Jan-Tschichold-Preis für Jonas Voegeli

100 Beste Plakate 2018

Best book design from all over the world!

Type Directors Club Award 2018

100 Beste Plakate 2017!

Cartoon by Ruedi Widmer in WOZ.

Large media channels echo:
«Nein zur Durchsetzungsinitiative» (No to the Durchsetzungsinitiative)

AGI Congress / Open Biel / Bienne

Manufacturer’s Forum

Guests from China

Lecture at AKB Stuttgart

Semester Party at ZHdK

Langnau Jazz Nights

Most Beautiful Book Taiwan

Vogue Korea

50 Books | 50 Covers Competition

Cukrowicz Nachbaur Exhibition Opening, Berlin

Cukrowicz Nachbaur Book Presentation, Bregenz

“On Time”: Swiss-UK Design Dialogue & Poster Exhibition

Review in PEN (JP)

Lecture  —  Easy Lessoning. DUMBO, Brooklyn, NY

Thanks to NYC and ZHdK

It was a great lecture at the School of Visual Arts Theater in Manhattan!
Where does Helvetica come from? Can a typeface determine how a culture is perceived? How can it be ubiquitous and invisible at the same time?
These talks will follow Helvetica through the dark maze of its history mdash; examining its promotion and role in the U.S. and the enormous impact of this small typeface on our lifestyles.
Jonas Voegeli — Visual Designer, Head of Visual Communication ZHdK
Thomas Wolfram — Typographer, Visual Designer, and Design Director of Brand Identity, Wirz Corporate Zurich
Jonas Niedermann — Type Designer, Visual Designer

Thank you Shanghai!

AGI Congress 2013: London

Lecture at the Typo St. Gallen

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Solution Love!

1. Mai 2013

Welcome Kerstin!

“The Germans” Magazine

Exhibition in Tehran

Welcome Lea & Louisa

AGI Congress 2012: Hong Kong

The Most Beautiful Swiss Books — Exhibition!

25th Brno Biennial

Hubertus Design Apéro — DANKE!

Hubertus Design Apéro!