Vom Baustoff zum Bauprodukt
Ausbaumaterialien in der Schweiz 1950–1970, Finishing Materials in Switzerland 1950-1970
This book aims to stimulate new thinking about an area that generally takes a back seat to the big questions of architecture and design. Along with technology, interior finishing materials are the most rapidly changing parts of building construction.
In addition to the challenge of providing conservation answers to the structural change in the building industry of the 1950s/60s – the replacement of building materials by building products – the focus is on questions of knowledge about product developments. Divided into a text section that embeds the situation in Switzerland in a larger context, a product history section that highlights questions of production and processing, and a catalogue, the book serves both for in-depth reading and for targeted reference. (Text © Hirmer Verlag)
Edited by Uta Hassler
With contributions by U.Hassler, W. van Aaken, A.Putz, J.Berger, H. Friege
Hardcover, linen, ribbon, 514 pages, 380 illustrations
17 × 24 cm
Hirmer publishing house
ISBN 978-3-7774-3107-9