Heimat, Handwerk und die Utopie des Alltäglichen
“Heimat” as a theme of architecture is a topos of the beginning of the 20th century: reform movements turned against conditions and forms of industrialisation as well as against the destruction of landscape, village and city images. The period “around 1800” and rural building became models of a new building in simple pre-industrial forms.
The concepts of the Heimatbewegung (homeland movement) were pursued under National Socialism under völkisch-ideological auspices, and regional building traditions were conveyed as exemplary in the sense of simplified patterns. The volume offers contributions by 16 authors on the focal points “Critique of Industrialisation”, “Landscape and Building Tradition”, “Good Design for Technology” and “The Ideal of Pre-Industrial Aesthetics”, as well as corresponding text excerpts from historical sources.
Edited by Uta Hassler
568 pages, 315 illustrations
19 × 26 cm, hardcover, half cloth
ISBN: 978-3-7774-2596-2
Best book design from all over the world 2018 (Golden Letter)
Most beautiful Swiss Book 2017