Campaign “Nein zur Anti-Menschenrechtsinitiative”
Urgent Call “No to the Anti-Human Rights Initiative”, Dringender Aufruf «Nein zur Anti-Menschenrechtsinitiative», 2018
After 2016 and a successful campaign against the enforcement initiative, the “Urgent Appeal” formed again in 2018. Once again, a considerable amount was raised via crowdfunding for a campaign against the self-determination initiative. The aim was to build on the success of 2016 in terms of content and form. The negative terminology – the self-determination initiative became an anti-human rights initiative – was followed, as two years before, by the reduction to a strikingly staged, new “No”. The design of the lettering is based on the attempt to no longer make the letters flash like blades, but rather to articulate the spaces in between like cuts – the letters themselves should have something more human. The broken, Gothic formal language of 2016 was followed in 2018 by a more ethnographic, degenerate referencing. The gesture of actionist branding of public space on billboards, advertisements and on social media was again successfully relied on and the initiative was rejected.